Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Voice of Single Men

Although everyone dreams to have the life of George Clooney, but reality is not very pleasant when it comes to the life of a single man. Reality is more analogous to the life of Ted Mosby - always on the lookout for a potential partner. But apart from chicks (yeah I am deliberately using this word) a single man is having a lot of problems; and deciding on whether to go for a large pizza, a round of beers, a ride on his bike, lifting up in gyms or playing video games is just a trivial one.

A quick look at the twitter handle #singleguyproblems tells us that one thing most single men around the world long for is a company. It is visible from the number of tweets about how they are feeling lonely and want someone to cuddle. Scrolling down a little more tells us that how they are not getting enough of food but have to fill themselves by eating leftovers and how they are not getting a friend to watch a movie what people may not be action packed sci-fi.

But Indian single men, from here onwards termed as 'We', have an altogether additional set of problems to deal with and We wish our voices are heard through this blog.
  1. We just wish to live in a decent locality: When We try to get an apartment in a decent locality, even if We are willing to pay more than the standard rates, in India, We are not allowed to rent an apartment in a decent locality. Not only that, sometimes even at tourist spots the receptionist at a decent hotel might cite some weird rules like 'single men not allowed'. This is really very frustrating - to be an unacceptable part of society.
  2. Have friends over: By chance if We are allowed to have a decent apartment, the day when We have our friends over, the society will eye with suspicion. Having 'guy' friends over means We are eyed as terrorists planning to bomb the city and having 'girl' friends over means We are planning an orgy tonight or even in middle of the day. Come on. Can't We also have some guest over to our house like you people (read: married) do.
  3. Offered some home made delicious food once in a while: You people have functions, guests but probably forget to invite us. That's ok. At least, once in a while you could offer us some home made food. You know We are living away from home and probably longing for it.
  4. Not be the only person to do night shifts: In case of urgent client requirements or even in usual case We are the first ones to be asked to do night shifts. If some work is to be done on weekends it is the single man in the team who is asked to complete it. We would do it as We don't mind some overtime cash and have no girlfriend to do any better things, but if you want us to 'happily' do it please refer to point 3. Get some homemade food and consider it done.
  5. Travel on the same seat as booked: We face a major problem while traveling in trains. Oldies, families, mothers with kids, all expect us to swap seats with them or expect us to never come down from our Upper seats. We just wish that We are allowed hassle free, as most of you, during a two day tiring journey. And still if you have some desperate need to swap seats, request us and refer to point 3.
  6. Drink without being judged: Occasionally, We like to loosen up, to let go our frustration and be free from the worries of future and in those occasions, We drink. Please don't judge us for having fun. 
  7. Not get caught by traffic police when with girl: Whenever a 'girl' friend agrees for a movie, We rush to pick her up from her apartment. Till then everything is smooth, but as soon as we leave from her place to the multiplex, from somewhere or the other a traffic cop catches hold. The cop makes sure that We do not get away without paying him. We just wish to spend some great time with a friend without being caught by a corrupt cop on a Sunday noon.
There is Mother's Day, Women's Day, Children's Day, even Father's Day, then why is this section of the society deprived of attention. There was a time when youth was considered as the most powerful section of society but now their powers are visible only on social media or such blogs.